DKIM, DMARC & SPF: What are they and how do you use them?

Email was never intended to be what it is. It’s grown beyond the inventor’s wildest vision. As a result, when the developers built the system that ran email, they did so with very little in the way of security: There was no way of checking a senders identity – mainly because the developers couldn’t envisage… Read More

5 questions you should ask your web design company before you hire them

Finding a decent web designer is a tricky business. A new website is a huge investment of your time and money, and getting a site that delivers for you can make a massive impact on your business. There are thousands of companies out there offering to create your new website for you, so how do… Read More

Website Nightmares: 12 horrors you should avoid on your website

Given All Hallow’s Eve is upon us, I thought I’d take the opportunity to share some of the website faux-pas that really horrify me. I’ve tried to focus on the mistakes that websites make that cost them: whether actual hard money, or just the goodwill of their users, but admit that the odd personal grudge may have crept… Read More

Countdown Timers – A quick “How to” guide to give you the edge

Google has recently introduced new functionality into the AdWords platform that allows you to add a nifty little countdown timer into your ads. These countdown timers are perfect for sales or vouchers that have a deadline – displaying the amount of time remaining until the final date. Just one thing to mention though, it is not a live countdown… Read More